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10 ways to control negative thoughts : A Guide to Finding Peace and Positivity

Negative Thoughts

A Guide For Finding Peace and Positivity


Negative thoughts may be like unwanted guests who stay too long. They seep into our minds at moments of strain, anxiety, or low self-esteem and refuse to leave. If tolerated, negative thoughts can undermine mental and physical health. However, it is possible to control or manage these thoughts with the right strategies and attitude. Here you will find a full guide on how to take hold of your negative thoughts and induce a life that’s more upbeat.


Understanding Negative Thoughts

These types of thoughts are a natural part of human experience. They can come from any number of sources, such as traumatic past experiences fear of the unknown or simply having a tendency always to look on the bad side. While it is normal for these thoughts every so often, constant negativity will lead into such problems as depression, anxiety and chronic stress.


The Impact of Negative Thinking

To control anti-thoughts, it’s crucial first to understand their impact. Negative thinking can:

– Lower self-esteem and confidence

– Increase feelings of anxiety and depression

– Affect relationships with others

– Hinder personal and professional growth

– Cause physical health problems such as headaches, insomnia and high blood pressure

Recognition of these results marks the initial step in taking charge of your thoughts.

 Strategies to Control Negative Thoughts

1. Identify the Triggers

It’s essential to understand what triggers your negative thoughts. Over time, keep a record in order that you may see when these thoughts occur and what was going on around the time they came to mind. Sources of common triggers include anxiety over work, relationship issues, pressure about money or health worries.


2. Challenge Negative Thoughts

After you have identified the triggers, next on the agenda is to challenge negative thoughts. Look at the following questions to help guide your thinking:


– Is this thought based on fact or merely an assumption?

– What evidence do I have to back up such a thinking process?

– Can this be seen in a different way?

Challenging your doubts can often show them in a more rational light.

3. Practice Mindful Meditation

Gradually you will find that mindfulness means just being there and observing your thoughts without any judgment. This is something that meditation can help one learn to do better. Set aside a few minutes each day to sit quietly, pay attention to your breathing and release any thoughts that may come up. Time consuming, central conscious effort like this can gradually help to reduce the frequency and intensity of your negative thoughts.

4. Positive Affirmations

Think of positive affirmations as tools that help remodel your mind so as le maintain a positive state. Suppose you’re used to thinking, “I’m not so good,” you can try saying instead, “I’m capable and worthy. You are worthy and competent as you continue to apply these affirmations each day, especially when negative thoughts emerge.

5. Gratitude

Focusing on what you have to be thankful for can shift your mind away from negativity. Start keeping a gratitude journal, where you write out three things you’re thankful for each day. In this way, you will gradually develop a dimmer outlook on life.

6. Do some physical activity

Physical activity is a good method to deal with negative thoughts. When you exercise you release endorphins, which are nature’s mood lifters. No matter if it’s a brisk walk up the mountain, a yoga session or gym workout; regular exercise helps clear your mind and lift your spirits.

7. Connect with Others

Isolation can make negative thoughts much worse. If you feel really down, contact your friends and family or relaunch support group meetings. Expressing your feelings can give you a sense of relief and reveal new ways to look at the facts.

8. Avoid Negative Influences

There are a lot of negativity sources including the media, social networking sites and people you speak with. Always pay attention to what you consume and who with whom you spend time. Encircle yourself only by positive effects that help to inspire and encourage you.

9. Make Realistic Goals

People often feel disappointed and negative when their goals are unrealistic. Divide your goals up into manageable parts, then share in the joy of your success–even if it is small. Through this approach confidence can be built as well as negative feelings eliminated which would have arisen in self talk.

10. Get Professional Help

If negative thoughts are constant and overpowering, it would be wise to check into professional help. Counselors and therapists can help you manage negative feelings, also improve your mental wellbeing through a variety of strategies.



Controlling negative thoughts is a career that requires patience and practice for long-term growth. By identifying your triggers, challenging negative thoughts, and incorporating healthy practices into your day-to-day life, you will take control of the mind’s mental landscape. Just remember: it’s okay to get help when required. Step by step over time adds up to big changes. But don’t be afraid of the process – look forward to a more positive, peaceful mind!

Further Reading and Resources

– Books: “The Power of Now” by Eckhart Tolle

– Jon Kabat-Zinn ‘s “Mindfulness for Beginners”

– Headspace, Calm, and Insight Timer are the programs available on mobile

– Websites: and

If you work these strategies into how you live each day, you can change negative thoughts into positive ones and create a healthier, happier way of life.

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